How to Win at the Blackjack Table

blackjack13Patience is a virtue at any blackjack table and keeping a few simple rules in mind is the best way to win at the blackjack table.

Master Basic Blackjack Strategy

Any book or instructor will tell you the first thing you must learn is the basic strategy for playing blackjack. If you don’t know the game, inside and out, you definitely won’t win on a regular basis.  There is some luck involved of course or it wouldn’t be considered gambling, but luck will not win out in the long run.  In terms of giving yourself the best chance to win at blackjack, there are specific moves to make for any given situation that will come up during a hand of blackjack.  A basic blackjack strategy chart will tell you the best move to make depending on what you have and what the dealer has.  Memorize these rules and you’ll drop the casino’s edge to less that one half percent.  Those are the odds you need to learn how to beat the casinos in blackjack.

Specific Game Rules

Make sure you actually look at the table rules and limits before you sit down.  Just take the time to observe at least one round of play, to make sure it’s a table you’d be comfortable playing a hand or two at.  Make sure you know the mimimum and maximum bets allowed.  Many players look at only what the minimum bet is, but being aware of the maximum is also important to maximize your bettig strategies.

Look for a Friendly Dealer

You might not think so, but a friendly dealer can absolutely make the difference in a profitable playing session.  They do work for tips and should be nice to you.  If they aren’t, move to another table, without feeling bad.  Giving the dealer a tip every now and then will give them reason to “help” you by giving you a little extra time to think about the correct play if you get a little flustered.  If you’re rude to them, they’ll  be rude to you by rushing the play, forcing you to make quick decisions that may be wrong.  The dealer doesn’t control the cards, but does control the speed of play, which you want to be a your pace, not theirs.

Play Smart and Within your Limit

Make sure you’ve determined your spending limit before you sit down at a table and stick to the plan.  You will play more relaxed and smarter if you’re not worried about playing with mony you really can’t afford to lose.  Remember, it is gambling and in reality, the casino is slightly favored to win, so don’t play with money your can’t afford to lose, because you won’t win every time.

You are in control of how long you play.  Don’t slap all your money down on the first table you sit at.  Play with about one third of you total bankroll at first to see how the cards are running.  If the cards are runing favorably, increase your betting, if not, get up and move to another table.blackjack5

Avoid Sucker Bets

Save your money with these final tips:

  • Never buy insurance
  • Try not to play at tables where the dealer can hit a soft 17 (increases the house edge by .2 percent)
  • Make sure a blackjack pays at least 3:2 odds (More and more Vegas casinos pay 6:5 on blackjack, increasing the house edge to 1.39 percent)


Blackjack is a game and should be fun for you to play, while giving you that chance to win some money. You can win at the blackjack table, but if you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s time to get up and go home!







The Best Online Blackjack Strategy


It is truly wide known that blackjack is the one casino game where skill can totally make the difference in a winning or losing session of gaming. There are many different strategies available and it is so important that a player tests different ones and begins using them in their playing sessions.  Every effective available strategy is based on pure logic and numbers that cannot be denied.  With that being understood, the best thing a player can do is to forget any superstitions, rituals, lucky thoughts and the like, and just believe in the numbers and trust the process.  So let’s review some of the best game plans one can take on to win at blackjack each time you play.

Step #1 – Pick The Right Casino

Some players don’t realize how important this first step can be.  Picking a good casino site is a huge fact in blackjack success.  The simple secret is to choose an established, highly regarded casino that features many blackjack games and lucrative bonuses that you can use on them.  You must realize that not all online casinos are safe and reliable.  Sometimes casinos might refuse to pay out winnings, even though you have won fair and square.  If you choose licensed and regulated casions, you have a reasonable probability of winning and most importantly, quaranteed payouts.

Step #2 – Pick The Right Blackjack Version

With many different versions out there, picking the correct one for you is critical to having a comprehensive blackjack strategy.  The most crucial detail of a game is unquestionably the house edge, and of course, the lower, the better.  This should be the first thing you should check because it can range from .17% for “Blackjack Switch” and .62% for “21 Duel Blackjack,” as an example.  In fact, some online blackjack games have a house edge over 2%, you definitely want to stay away from those.blackjack14

Step #3 – Know Your Game Perfectly

There are different variations of the game of blackjack.  Rules can vary from game to game and so if you play the same basic strategy for different games, you could be making a big mistake.  Every little detail will make the difference between a winning or losing session of blackjack becasue each variance effects the house edge of course.  The rules you want to be aware of are:

    • How much does a Blackjack pay
    • Does the dealer hit a soft seventeen
    • Is there a 5,6,or 7 card charlie
    • How many decks in the shoe
    • Can you surrender, and if so, when can that be done
    • Can you double on any two cards
    • When can you split your and and up to how many times
    • Are you allowed to double after splitting
    • Are you allowed to hit split aces

Find and commit to memory a basic blackjack strategy chart.  Do not play any of the side bets.  They are how the casinos up the house edge.  They don’t pay off in the long run, so they really are “sucker bets”  for the beginner player who thinks he has a “hunch.”  Remember, strategies are based on logic and numbers, and the process must be trusted.

Tip #4 – How About Card Counting

Card counting helps you keep track of the relation between high cards and low cards in the shoe.  It can definitely be helpful information to know when there are more high cards in the shoe, giving the player better odds of winning.  More high cards gives the player a higher count for their hand, while also making it a higher probability that the dealer will bust.

Tip #5 – Best Blackjack Betting System

Using a suitable blackjack strategy card show you the right play to make in any situation, but it doesn’t tell you how much you should be betting.  Of the many betting systems out there, progressive betting is most popular because it’s based on the idea (not fact) that if you’ve lost several times, you’re bound to win soon.  Of course that’s not true.  There is no betting system alone that will help you beat the house, but a good betting system and good blackjack strategy will increase your blackjack success.  For instance, card counting will let you know when the odds are more in your favor and therefore you should increase your wager.

Tip #6 – Online Bonuses

The biggest advantage to playing online blackjack is the generous bonus opportunities that online casinos offer. These incentives may be extra money that isn’t acutally yours, yet you are able to keep any winnings resulting from the use of that money.  Obviously this is a big player edge.  With an already low house edge, solid strategy and generous bonuses, online blackjack success is completely possible.

Final Thoughts

The best online blackjack strategy is to carefully choose a game plan that precisely coorresponds to the game variation you’ve chosen to play.  For online, look for the generous bonuses and combine that as well, with perfect blackjack strategy to beat the casino.  Most of all relax and trust the process.  Remember, it’s a game, so have fun.  What can be more fun than making money playing a card game!



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Winning Blackjack Strategies – Basics, Tips, Charts


Learning Blackjack Basic Strategy

The most successful Blackjack players first learned to beat the game by using a Blackjack chart. It has been proven that there are statistically correct moves to make in game situations that increase your odds in winning the game, or making your particular session more profitable. Basic strategy is the first thing you need to know before you can start to get an edge at the casinos. Blackjack already gives you the best odds in the casino, and having the perfect basic strategy can make those odds even better. Honestly, you’ll need to know more than basic strategy, like card counting, deviations, true count conversion and betting strategies (to be discussed later) to regularly beat the game of Blackjack, but with perfect basic strategy, you can play winning Blackjack.

Best Winning Blackjack Strategy

Start with one basic chart. You will find there are many “basic charts” out there and you want to make sure you haven’t started with a more advanced chart that would be difficult to memorize. I have found that Blackjack playing charts can get more specialized or intricate, the more advanced you are in playing the game, so make sure you are studying charts in an organized manner. You will confuse yourself if you don’t. Though some casinos will allow you to come in and sit at the table with a wallet-size strategy chart, it is best to take the time to memorize it. I know that seems like it would be hard and take a lot of time to do, it’s well worth the trouble. Taking the time to perfectly learn the basic strategy of Blackjack is the first step towards winning Blackjack and beating the casinos. Your fellow players at your table will also appreciate not having to wait for you to look at your chart to figure out the correct move to make!

Best Blackjack Tips

Being able to look at your hand and immediately recall the rule in your head is vitally important. If you can play at a consistent pace (without having to pause too long to think of the correct play) it will make the game more enjoyable for everybody. I find that casino Blackjack players expect that all the players should know at least the basic strategies of Blackjack and therefore become annoyed if you slow down play at all. Some players just can’t seem to wait to lose their money! Of course once you learn and memorize the basic strategy, you may find yourself at tables where you’re the only one playing correctly (usually the loudest one where “friends” are there to just have fun blowing their money) and those are actually the tables you don’t want to be at! Those people are relying totally on luck and that’s what you don’t want! I find I can totally have a great time at a relatively quiet table, winning money strategically! Don’t let others force your to play faster than what is comfortable for you either. If a table seems to be rushing through hands, move to a different table. If you have the basic rules memorized, your speed of play should be adequate. Being able to play at a pace that is comfortable for you, means Blackjack success for you. Memorize the basic Blackjack chart

Basic Blackjack strategy gives you the best decision/move, as the player, given every possible combination of starting player hands and dealer up cards. The best decision for the player is the one that loses the least amount of money to the casino over time.

Advanced Blackjack Strategies

Adding card counting to using basic strategy is the most common way I’ve seen players turn the house edge into the players edge, or at least the lowest house edge. More people than you would think use at least some simple form of card counting while playing Blackjack. The concept of card counting is to keep track of the ratio of low cards to high cards, allowing the player to know when the advantage shifts from the casino to the player. When the casino has the advantage, minimize your bets, when the player has the advantage, maximize your bets. As this sort of implies, the use of winning Blackjack betting strategies is also important. You don’t have to be highly intelligent to master card counting. It can be a very simple system to keep track of how many bad cards you’ve seen, in relation to good cards! It’s just a matter of putting in the hours of practice to beat the casinos. Many average people beat the casinos every day using basic strategy and card counting, believe that!


Blackjack is a simple game to learn, fun to play, time-consuming to master, but can also be a profitable past-time if perfected.
